January Challenge

What does it feel like to commit to a consistent practice?! That’s what we asked you in the new year when we challenged you to complete 12 classes within 5 weeks.

One thing we notice in our own practice is that consistency is key. We can feel the difference when we are regularly conditioning our body, lengthening our muscles, and reminding ourselves of better alignment and breath. This consistency will show up in all areas of your life, whether you are trying to overcome back pain, recover or prepare for surgery, or fine-tune your skills on the slopes and trails. It’s amazing what our bodies will give back to us with that commitment.

As the challenge winds up think about how you can continue to bring that energy forward. Maybe you’ll commit to stretching a little everyday, drinking more water, breathing more fully, or sneaking in an extra class or two when your schedule allows. The idea is so to keep committing to yourself and wellness, in whatever ways are meaningful to you.

We love seeing, and hearing how challenges like this affect you. We’ve already heard from many of you how the challenge was allowed you to move more freely and without pain, have more energy, and feel stronger in your body.

If you have a story to share on what is was like to up your practice this last month, we’d love to hear from you!

You are all so inspiring and we love sharing Pilates with you everyday!

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